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HOMETWITTER TOOLWhy some of my likes still shown on my Twitter profile?

Why some of my likes still shown on my Twitter profile?

Are your unliked tweets still showing up on your Twitter account? Let us explain the reasons and how to delete Twitter likes at once.

If you've already deleted all your Twitter likes present on your account page, and some are still available there, you can get rid of all your Twitter likes at once via Circleboom!

Video tutorial:

Secondly, if you still want to know the most possible reasons behind this problem, let us explain it briefly.
Twitter’s back-end systems run on a distributed cluster of decomposed services. There are often cases where data sets will need to resynchronize between instances and data centers. This means, all the user data moves between server farms all the time, and some data servers may update later than others.

It is also a common issue among the Twitter community here:…

TLDR; services like Circleboom makes requests to Twitter via their official APIs (programmer access interfaces) and Twitter fulfills the requests successfully. Yet, they may show some of the destroyed data for a while.